Leadership Coaching

Now, more than ever, women leaders need coaching to navigate the challenges the world is throwing at us. Your life may look perfect on paper but the reality is something else.

There is a beauty right in front of you that you are missing in the fog of doubt, fear, stress, and insecurity. As you stack more and more pressure on yourself, feeling like an imposter, you probably feel disconnected from God, your family, and your work.

Create a Life Worth Living

The Truth: You have the power to blow away the fog and find clarity . . .
you just don’t know it yet.

One of the most powerful outcomes of coaching is being able to break through the cycle of crazy
and – with faith – realign your goals and lead with strength and boldness.

Leadership coaching is about lifting the heavy burdens of expectation and creating movement.

My goal is to guide you to a life where you are confident to be you.

Equipped to grow.
Equipped to lead.
Equipped with strength.
Equipped to reach your full potential.
Let's Get Started.

Does This Sound Like You?

“Trish Bussey Jeter is always encouraging, inviting me to think more deeply. She creates a truly warm and friendly atmosphere, as though I was talking to a friend. Her coaching style is not rushed nor robotic. She never rushed me from one thought to another. She listens intently and provides genuine feedback; she truly cares. Trish guided me through my questions to understand myself better, and she guided me towards answers without telling me directly. She gently assisted me in discovering my own conclusions. The coaching process was more meaningful because I reached my own conclusions instead of simply being given the answer. Coaching with Trish bettered me as a person, and I grew in my self-confidence, and as a leader. I left our time together feeling calmer and wholesome.

~ Joyce Madriz

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