September 30, 2024

Discover Your Inner Warrior

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How many of you are a fan of Marvel movies?  You know, Ironman, Captain America, the Hulk, and Spiderman.  My husband is a fan of all things Marvel – comics, movies, toys, and so guess what? After eleven years of marriage so am I!  Growing up, did you ever imagine being a superhero? While I didn’t have a favorite superhero growing up, one of my favorite Marvel movies in recent years is Black Panther. The movie opened with record-breaking box-office success, with female movie goers making up 45% of the audience. If I were a superhero, I’d be Okoye, the female warrior general from Black Panther – she’s funny, fierce, and courageous. Her role was to lead the all-female military group that protects the King and fictional nation of Wakanda.  And she likes BLING as much as I do!

Warriors possess many leadership qualities that we should also possess if we want to lead effectively. Here are some of the ones that I’ve found to be extremely important throughout my life as a leader.

1. Courage and Strength

Effective leadership calls us to face difficult situations with strength and courage. We don’t let fear stop us from doing what needs to be done. And we inspire others by being a role model of how to face challenges. I’m learning to be strong…but not too strong. My husband often teases me, when I get tough, he says “Look out the Brooklyn is coming out”!

2. Self Control and Discipline

When we exhibit self-control, it helps us to remain focused and calm under pressure. We demonstrate discipline in how we speak, and in our thoughts, and actions. It’s also about learning to say no and setting boundaries.

3. Resilience and Perseverance

As leaders we can be faced with challenges and sometimes failure. The ability to persevere through adversity without losing focus or morale is a critical trait of effective leadership. It’s also important to learn to bounce back from defeat. I once shared what I thought was a brilliant idea with an executive leadership team, only to have the CEO decide he didn’t want to move forward with it. I listened to his concerns and came back with a different idea that both he and the executives loved and supported.  I learned the importance of not giving up.

4. Inspiring and Motivating Others

“It’s not about me” is one of my favorite quotes from The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren. It’s about us motivating, inspiring and encouraging those we lead. It’s about helping others to achieve levels of success and encouraging them to grow and persevere in difficult times.

5. Humility and Willingness to Learn

As leaders, we need to have the humility to be able to admit when we’ve made a mistake or need help.  We learn from our victories as well as our defeats.  I consider myself a lifelong learner; I don’t plan to stop learning until I’m six feet under!  Like a warrior we equip ourselves with the skills we need. We can take a class, join a network, have a coach or a mentor. There is always opportunity to continuously improve your skills and learn new ones.

When we awaken our inner warrior, it helps us lead ourselves and others well. Sometimes leading may feel like we’re going into a battlefield. How do you get ready for battle?  For me, I rely on my faith, knowing that I’m not alone and I pray for strength, confidence and courage.

I invite you to discover and embrace your inner warrior! Not sure of how to do this? I’d love to partner with you. Schedule a 30-minute complementary session today!

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